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Entry Level Survey – Analysis – Report : 2021-22

To know the aspiration of the candidates and to adapt ourselves, this survey was conducted on the first day of their entry into this campus. The report is tabulated and given below:

S.No Name course 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 A.Maruthi B.Com comp A B C A B B Y Y Y Y
2 A.Sai comp A E A A E A Y Y Y Y
3 D.Nandhu Kumar B.Com A C A A C A Y N N Y
4 P.Pavani MScs B E A B E D Y N Y Y
5 E.Divya MPcs D E A B E D Y Y Y Y To Study pleasant environment
6 M.Pujitha MPcs D E A B A C Y N Y Y
7 K.Muthali MScs D E C B E A Y Y Y Y
8 S.Nayaz MScs D E C B E A Y Y Y Y
9 S.Guruvendra MScs D E A A E A Y Y Y Y
10 M.Hari Prakash MScs D E A B E C Y Y Y Y
11 K.HariPriya MPcs B E C A B A Y N Y Y Good Education and rules and regulations
12 D.Nagamani MScs B B A A E E Y Y Y Y Good rules and regulations
13 K.Leelavathi MScs C B A A A A Y N Y Y
14 B.Gowri BZC D E A B B A Y Y Y Y
15 K.Govardhan BBA D E A B E A Y N Y Y
16 T.Chandrika CZCA A E A B E A Y Y Y Y
17 P.Bharath BZC D E A A E A N Y Y Y
18 T.Thanusha BZC A C A B A D Y Y Y Y
19 B.Sharanya CZCA C E A B A C Y Y N N
20 K.Vinay BBA B E A B E B N Y Y Y
21 L.Soma Sekhar BBA D B A A D B Y N Y Y
22 K.Santhosh BBA C E C A E A N Y Y Y
23 G.Shaimthaz BZC A E A B E B Y N Y Y
24 B.Mamatha B.Com Co D E A B B A Y Y Y Y
25 T.Anitha B.Com Co D E A B E A Y Y Y Y
26 G.Kusuma B.BCom Co A E A A E B Y Y Y Y
27 K.Hemanjali B.Com Co C E A B E B Y Y Y Y
28 K.Kovida B.Com Co C E A B E C Y Y Y Y
29 K.Chikitha B.Com Co B E A B E B Y Y Y Y
30 A.Naga Bavitha B.Com Co A E A B E A Y Y Y Y







For this purpose a random selection of students from each group is taken, after the stratified random sampling for each group has been applied. Nearly % of the students are selected for this. 60 responses were recorded.

Question-wise Analysis of their responses

  1. How do you know about college?
  2. Old students b) Relatives     c) Friends        d) By the name of the college

Nearly 27% of the students expressed that they know about the college through the old students. 40% of the students expressed that they know about the college by the name of the college. Remaining students expressed that they know through their friends and relatives.

  1. Why you have chosen this college?
  2. Discipline b) Quality education   c) Good staff   d) good management  e) All

80% of the students say that they have chosen the college for discipline, quality education, good staff and good management. 10% of the students say that they have chosen the college for discipline and 10% say that for quality education.

  1. Why you have chosen this group?
  2. Out of interest b) My friend joined in the course       c) Advises of others

83% of the students have chosen the group out of interest and 17% say that they have chosen the group by the advice of others.

  1. What is your future plan by choosing this course?

a)To ho for higher studies      b) to get better job      c) To start a business/self employment.

37% of the students say that their future plan is to go for higher studies. 63% of the students say that their future plan is to get a better job.

  1. Your opinion about the college known from the others?
  2. Discipline b) Quality education   c) Good staff   d) good management  e) All

67% of the students say that their opinion about college known from the others is discipline, quality education, good staff and good management. In addition to that 14% of the students is chosen for discipline.

  1. What is your expectation during college life?
  2. a) Quality education b) good discipline c) to develop communication skills
  3. d) Proficiency in English e) to enjoy

50% of the students are expecting quality education. 34% and 10% of the students are expecting good discipline and developing communication skills respectively.

  1. Are you willing to do additional courses (computer courses/Management courses/Bank coaching etc) along with regular course of study?

90% of the students want additional certificate courses along with their regular courses.

  1. Are you willing to join Social service activities (NSS/NCC/LACT/LLP etc)?

Nearly 83% of the students want to join the Social service activities. 17% of the students does not respond.

  1. Are you willing to participate in co-curricular activities like field trips, seminars, group discussions etc?

93% of the students say that are willing to participate in co-curricular activities. Remaining people not responded.

  1. Are you happy about college sending your progress report to the parents?

97% of the students expressed their willingness to send the progress reports to their parents.


Regarding the collection of information from the students at the time of joining, valuable observations were recorded.

  • Nearly 27% of the feeding to the college is from the advices of old students and 40% from the goodwill of the institution. So Alumni and goodwill of the Management plays an important role in the admissions.
  • Not only surrounding villages of the institution, but also students are coming from all over the district. That reflects in the society that the institution is standing on the goals and morals like discipline, quality education, good management and good faculty.
  • Most of the students are coming to join the institution out of the interest in the subject, and fulfillment of their ambition in this institution.
  • Most of the students want to go for higher education after completion of the course. Some of the students want to go for better jobs. So in their opinion the institution is helpful for their future plans.
  • Almost all the students are coming to college for quality education, discipline and to improve communication skills and proficiency in English.
  • In public opinion also the institution is standing on principles and morals.
  • Most of the students expressed that they will join in Social activities and co-curricular activities.
  • Most of the students want additional courses like computer courses, Bank coaching etc. It is better to look into the matter in the first year itself.

To conclude all, the institution plays an image and important role in the society to impart the goals and morals. All the parents want to join their children in the institution due to the discipline, trust in the management, commitment of the management and faculty towards the goals. Hence the institution creates an opinion that it is mending for overall development of the students. So Complete credits goes to the Management and the faculty.